Enchanted Glen: Mushroom Home & River Mist Fortress

Every farm has its own unique buildables… But in a surprising way, the Enchanted Glen will have 2 buildable, “The Mushroom Home” and “The River Mist Fortress”. Each of which we will be talking about respectively in this post.
First here is a preview about the first buildable, The Mushroom Home :
A look about the different stages of the building:
And Here is a tutorial about the functionality of the building:
You will need to collect these materials in order to build and complete the Mushroom Home:
Magic MapleRain DropsFairy Fabric
Here is a look inside the building:
And here is a High-Resolution animation of the Mushroom Home in its full glory:

Well, that was all we have concerning the Mushroom home… but as we have mentioned earlier we will get the chance to build 2 buildings, so lets talk now about the 2nd one, the River Mist Fortress:
A look at the different stages of the building:
A tutorial about the functionality of the building:
You will need to collect these materials in order to build and complete the River Mist Fortress:
Star RockWarp StoneMyth Rilore
And here is a look at the inside of the building:
And here is a High-Resolution animation of the building in its full Glory:


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