
Showing posts from May, 2012

FarmVille’s Jade Falls Pens and other Buildings

Here’s a sneak peek of the unreleased buildings with purpose for FarmVille’s Jade Falls. Jade Falls is the sixth destination farm that is “coming soon”. In this post you can see the Asian Feed Mill, Chicken Coop, Garage, Storage Cellar, and  Asian Horse Paddock, Cow Pasture, Baby Playpen, Aviary, Habitat, and Jade Aquarium &  Orchard. There’s sure to be more buildings too as each destination farm’s buildings has their own distinct look. You can check out the Jade Falls expected animal pens by visiting this FarmVille Freak article here. Note, unreleased items have no official release date and are subject to change without prior notice. HimeshFVBAdviser Blog What do you think of these Jade Falls buildings, FarmVille Players? Which one is your favorite?

FarmVille Jade Falls, 6th Destination Farm “Coming Soon”!FB

My FarmVille Friends have been talking about the sixth destination FarmVille farm and what it will be. I told them months ago that it would be Asian themed farm and possibly set in Japan. Well, the time is approaching and more substantial evidence is rolling in! Day before yesterday there were tons of FarmVille unreleased Asian inspired animals- think Dragons and Pandas. Today, we learn of the FarmVille sixth destination farm’s likely name! My FV Friends are reporting seeing a banner in Zynga’s other games Sling-O & Cafe World for an upcoming destination FarmVille farm named FarmVille Jade Falls!!! Feast your eyes on the Sneak Peek  and image below. A new Panda couple Sneak peek also came. FVB Adviser Himesh "FV Jade Falls Farm" FVB Adviser Himesh "FV Jade Falls Farm     types of Plots FVB Adviser Himesh "Chickens and eggs" FVB Adviser Himesh " In Game introduction to the Farm'' FVB Adviser Himesh ...

FarmVille Feed Change: Limiting Watering Cans & Animal Feed Shares

Recently FarmVille  upgraded the Facebook Feed icons  for Watering Cans, Mystery Seedlings, and Animal Feeds, but that’s not all they changed.  Yesterday, FarmVille announced that it began rolling out changes to some FarmVille feeds that you share with your neighbors on Facebook. Specifically, the posting of Watering Cans when you harvest an Orchard, the posting of Watering Cans when you grow a Mystery Seedling, and posting Animal Feed when you harvest an Animal Pen are all each being limited to one share per day. Why is FarmVille doing this?  As explained by FarmVille Community Manager, Grimwell, below- many players are experiencing problems posting feeds because of the large amount of feeds being posted in a day. In other words, the many feeds that you post and claim in one day can reach a cutoff point that will force you into an inability to post any feeds.  To solve this problem, FarmVille has decided to limit the amount of Watering Can...



Option to remove neighbors .. soon

Soon.. Faster Way to Add & Delete Neighbors :)  Would you be choosing to remove some neighbors, leave your opinion in your comments :)

*****Market - Sunday May 20th 2012*****

****Level 1 Trees**** Impressionist - 8fc Impressionist II - 6fc Milky Way - 8fc Pink Cloud - 6fc ****Level 2 Trees**** Big Impressionist - 14fc Big Impressionist II - 12fc Star - 14fc Blue Cloud - 12fc ****Animals**** Rainbow Fish - 7fc Rainbow Cloud Ewe - 16fc Cloud Unicorn - 30fc Carmargue Stallion - 26fc Cloud Cow - 20fc Painter Duck - 16fc Cloud Rabbit - 12fc ****Decorations**** Handgliding Duck - 10fc Provence Cottage - 20fc Water Lilies Pond - 14fc Impressionist Gnome - 12fc Cloud Gnome - 12fc Riverboat - 32,000 Coconuts This Data was first publish on this  blog !!

More eggs and their images

  Mandolin Mystery Egg Zen Mystery Egg Hiking Mystery Egg    Beach Mystery Egg Ty Bo for this Data  , Except Mandolin others are not even in xmls, Remember this info. was provided to you by This Blog- FVB adviser Himesh Xavierite Jain

Latest Eggs Images & Non Coded Eggs

Out of these Mother Day  Chicken  was first to be released, then Cluck Roger Chicken came in xmls, Then the Jungle Fowl Chicken, now next will be Lavender Chicken and then Giant Jazz. Other Chickens that aren't in xml but are expected to come are : ✈ chicken_rocket ⇨ egg_rocket ✈ chicken_mandolin ⇨ egg_mandolin ✈ chicken_chabo ⇨ egg_chabo

Unreleased Horses & Foals: Non Coded

Ty BloodWorth Bo for bringing out this Data

Latest Trees

Following Trees will be released on Wednesday 16/5 Tree and their price :        Its Summer Time In Farmville, would you be buying any of these trees , Comment Yes and No and also the reason if u like                        

Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 7 Quest Releasing Monday 05/14/12
