FarmVille Feed Change: Limiting Watering Cans & Animal Feed Shares

Recently FarmVille upgraded the Facebook Feed icons for Watering Cans, Mystery Seedlings, and Animal Feeds, but that’s not all they changed. 

Yesterday, FarmVille announced that it began rolling out changes to some FarmVille feeds that you share with your neighbors on Facebook. Specifically, the posting of Watering Cans when you harvest an Orchard, the posting of Watering Cans when you grow a Mystery Seedling, and posting Animal Feed when you harvest an Animal Pen are all each being limited to one share per day.

Why is FarmVille doing this? 
As explained by FarmVille Community Manager, Grimwell, below- many players are experiencing problems posting feeds because of the large amount of feeds being posted in a day. In other words, the many feeds that you post and claim in one day can reach a cutoff point that will force you into an inability to post any feeds. 

To solve this problem, FarmVille has decided to limit the amount of Watering Cans and Animal Feed being shared in one day because it is these items that are most often unclaimed by players. Although lots of these items are being shared, oftentimes they are left unclaimed and useless.

Please note, even though you will be limited to how many of these items you can share, there is still no limit on how many of these items you can claim. There may be no limit to items you can claim, but it seems natural that there would be less of the restricted items around with the new limitations in place- less items being shares, less items available to claim. 

Whether this is enough to cause a shortage seems unlikely as both Watering Cans and Animal Feed can be sent as free gifts via the FarmVille Gifting Page. It may make growing up your trees a little more annoying, but there are still water-producing Orchards, Water Wheels, and now Fishing Holes. 
Also, there is still NO limit to how many Animals, Mystery Seedlings, or fully grown Trees that you can share.

You can read below all of the details straight from the source, as announced on the Official FarmVille Forums.

Posting Watering Can and Animal Feed Change

Howdy Farmers,

Beginning this afternoon we are rolling out a change to how many times you will be prompted to post Watering Cans and Animal Feed.

The Feeds we are changing are:
  • Posting Watering Cans when you harvest an Orchard
  • Posting Watering Cans when you grow a Mystery Seedling half-way to the full tree state.
  • Posting Animal Feed when you harvest an Animal Pen

What changes are we making?
In each of the three changes, you will be prompted to post one shared item per day. One Watering Can when you harvest an Orchard, one Watering Can as you grow a seedling, and one Animal Feed when you harvest an Animal Pen. 

Harvesting subsequent Orchards or Pens, or watering more than one seedling will result in no further prompts to share these items into your feed.

Why are we making this change?
You may have noticed that many Farmers report issues posting items to their feeds. They get messages such as "An error has occurred, please try again later." and the feed never posts. 

A leading cause of this is posting a great number of feeds in a day. The platform begins to limit the number of feeds you can post, and locks you out of it after you cross a certain threshold. After that, feeds stop posting and your animals, trees, etc. can't be shared with friends.

We studied the feeds that FarmVille posts, as well as the feeds Farmers claim, and believe that these feeds are an ideal candidate to consider for reduction. A great number of Watering Cans and Animal Feed gets posted every day by generous Farmers, but the bulk of it is not claimed, and triggers the platform limit without providing a benefit to Farmers.

Things to Note:
This does not change or limit the number of Watering Cans or Animal Feed posts you can click to receive from your friends. It reduces the number of times you will be prompted to post, but not how much you can claim.

This will not impact your ability to share Mystery Seedlings, Animals, or fully-grown Trees.

This will reduce interruptions to your game-play while harvesting orchards and pens, or watering seedlings. For those of us with dozens of pens and orchards, this means we can harvest and get to our rewards all that much faster!

This is going to roll out slowly over the next week. Not every Farmer will see a reduction in prompts to post up front. 

After your one prompted post for the day, when you harvest an Orchard or Pen and would normally receive a Watering Can or Animal Feed, you will still receive it (in your Gift Box) even though you are not prompted to post a feed to share with your friends.

Please share your feedback with us, and your results if you see this change on your Farm.

Thanks! (Source: Official FarmVille Forum)


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