Time Machine: Travel Through Time to Bring Back Amazing Prizes

Here is the Latest Feature by Zynga.. the Time Machine.. Travel to different era’s to bring back some of the cool prizes..  more and confirmed info very soon..
Time Machine
Time Machine
There is a three different era’s that you can travel there and bring back some cool prizes from that era:

1970’s Era:

Hippie HorseHustlin CowStudio 45 GnomeLava Lamp TreePeace Flower Crop
Time Machine: 1970’s Era Prizes
Time Machine: 1970’s Era Prizes

Victorian Era:

Buckingham HorseParasol TreeQueen Victoria’s DogDuchess GnomeIvy Crop
Time Machine: Victorian Era Prizes
Time Machine: Victorian Era Prizes

Feudal Japan Era:

Warrior HorseUme TreeNunchaku TurtleGeisha GnomeCherry Blossom Crop
Time Machine: Feudal Japan Era Prizes
Time Machine: Feudal Japan Era Prizes
Time Machine Information
Time Machine Information
Time Machine: Travel Through Time to Bring Back Amazing Prizes
Time Machine: Travel Through Time to Bring Back Amazing Prizes
Time Machine Is Here Notice
Time Machine Is Here Notice


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