Loyal Sturdy Doghouse Guide!

Woof woof woof! If you like dogs, then you gotta check out the newest Sturdy Doghouse! Build this little home and collect red Sturdy Treats. Get enough of these yummy treats and get rewarded with the Black Pug, Bulldog, & more!!!

The Sturdy Doghouse is the third Doghouse. Sunshine Loyal Doghouse is the first Doghouse. Cupcake Doghouse is the second Doghouse.

Note: The Sturdy Doghouse won’t store any dogs from previous LE and past pet features. 

If you are unable to locate the Sturdy Doghouse, check for it in your Gift Box or purchase it in the Market for 5 Coins. Players will need to be at a level 5 to access this pen.


A Green illumination around the Sturdy Doghouse will glow over open placement areas on your farm. 

You can only have ONE The Sturdy Doghouse on each Farm (Home, English Countryside, Lighthouse Cove, Winter Wonderland Hawaiian Paradise and Jade Falls). 

Once you successfully place your building, you will see the following options:
  • Looking inside – View your progress
  • Ask for Parts - Send the request for help directly to your friends
  • Complete now - Quickly finish the Sturdy Doghouse with Farm Cash
  • Move – Rearrange your Sturdy Doghouse on your farm
  • Sell – Sell your Sturdy Doghouse


The Mystery Baby Nursery has only one building stage. To complete the stage, simply collect the Mystery Baby Nursery Parts. 

There are three types of building Parts: Chew Toy, Dog Bed and Tennis. All three items can be received as free gifts from your Neighbors or purchased for Farm Cash. 

Do these parts look familiar? These are the same parts from the Sunshine Doghouse.
Both Doghouses share the same building parts!

There are 4 different ways to collect Sturdy Doghouse parts
  • Ask for Part– Send requests for Parts to any friend
  • Send Parts– Send parts to your friends from the Free Gifts Tab (page 9) or from the Sturdy Doghouse Menu. They will give you one in return.
  • Buy Parts – Buy each part individually with Farm Cash
  • Complete Now– Use Farm Cash to immediately complete
  • Click on a feed that is giving out Sturdy Doghouse Parts.

When you completed the Sturdy Doghouse, you will get rewarded a Black Pug dog that you can store in your new doghouse.

Don’t forget to share the news AND some Doghouse parts with your friends!!!!!


Once you have completed your Sturdy Doghouse, you can use your move tool and place your Black Pug into the house. And if you want to take the furry four legged friend out, no problem! You also have the option to move it out of Sturdy Doghouse as well. 

In the Sturdy Doghouse, will be able to see:
  • Dogs you own - they will appear more opaque
  • Dogs you can unlock - Dogs you don’t own yet. They are greyed out.
  • Buy Treats - Purchase Red Treats for 1 Farm Cash each
  • Ask for Red Treats - by posting a request to your feed
  • Fetch - Have the dogs fetch cool items

There are 5 total dogs you can collect in the Sturdy Doghouse. As you collect red Sturdy Treats, you can unlock the dog from left to right (linear progression). 

Just want the dogs but not the Doghouse? 
You will need to build the Doghouse, purchase or redeem treats for the dogs inside, then unleash the dogs from the Doghouse and sell your Doghouse.

Want to purchase the Sturdy Doghouse? 
You have the option to head to the Market directly from the Sturdy Doghouse. Just mouse over the desired type of Mystery Baby and click on Market.

There are different ways to get treats:
  • Ask for Treats – Post on your Facebook Wall, so your friends can click on it.
  • Buy Treats – Buy one red Sturdy Treat individually with Farm Cash
  • Harvest your Doghouse every 24 hours
  • Click on a feed that is giving out red Sturdy Doghouse Treats

Don’t get confused which Treats you are looking for! Look for the red Sturdy Treats in the Market.


If you mouse over a dog you have unlocked, you will see three things:
Star Mastery Progress - See your mastery progress for this dog
Unleash - remove your dog from the Sturdy Doghouse & place it anywhere on your farm
Rename your dog – mouse over a dog you want to name
Feature Me - mouse over a dog & click the check box to have them displayed next to the Sturdy Doghouse

  • This simply means that you are taking your dog out of the Doghouse and placing it anywhere on your farm.
  • Your dog will stay on your farm forever—she won’t run away after being unleashed!
  • You can move your dog back into the Doghouse anytime
  • Placing dogs in the Doghouse allows you to master the dogs.
  • You can also store your dog if he is unleashed on your farm—he will just go into your regular storage building (barn, tool shed, etc.)
  • You can also sell dogs individually if you have unleashed them from the Doghouse, but selling the Doghouse as a whole unit includes the dogs as well as the house itself.


Once you have adopted all the dogs in your Doghouse, you can still harvest treats. After you’ve unlocked all the dogs, the treats can be used to have your dogs “fetch” items that will go in your gift box!

In order to have a dog fetch a gift, you must give at least 6 treats and up to 30 treats in one fetch. The more treats you give, the better the prizes!


You Doghouse is harvestable for various items once a day. Each time you harvest your Doghouse, you get:
Coins - 100 for every dog you have in your Doghouse
Mastery Points - 1 for every dog you have in your Doghouse
Dog Treats - 1 for every Sturdy dog you have

You can Instant Grow your Doghouse to harvest it more quickly, just like your other animal pens.


Tired of your Doghouse? You can sell it for 100 Coins or you can recycle it. Please note that selling OR recycling your Doghouse gets rid of both your Doghouse AND all the dogs inside it—they do NOT go to your gift box!

We hope you enjoy playing with your new canine friends! Have fun and happy farming!

Note: Each Sturdy Doghouse you own is unique. They will not share storage or progress with a Doghouse on a different Farm. 

We hope you enjoyed building this adorable Sturdy Doghouse! Thank you for playing FarmVile and keep farming!


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